All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It is a naturally occurring state of Alpha, when the conscious mind is relaxed. It happens naturally during creative pursuits, meditation, or daydreaming. You actually go in and out of hypnosis every 20 seconds or so. Twenty minutes’ hypnosis is equal to four hours’ sleep, and it is known to promote deep healing. There are over 200 known uses for hypnosis. A survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed the following recovery rates:
Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
Behaviour Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Source: American Health Magazine
The unconscious mind’s prime directive is to preserve the body and it is a servo-mechanism, like the Internet. It has no thoughts of its own; it responds to commands from the conscious mind, except in cases where survival is threatened, in which case it will over-ride any other program. It communicates by presenting appropriate emotions. Pleasant emotions such as joy, happiness, and excitement, tell us that we are safe. Emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, and sadness are the unconscious mind’s way of saying, “We need to talk! There’s something that’s not right.” It will keep bringing up old film shows of unfinished memories until they are resolved. All change, and all learning, is unconscious, so reestablishing a strong bridge from the unconscious to the conscious mind is essential for therapeutic change to take place.
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is how to utilize our neurology to change self-talk, communication, choices and behaviors that generate successful results consistently and repeatedly. NLP is the Psychology of Success.
Worldwide, people are using proven NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques to dynamically improve and build successful relationships and accomplish spectacular professional results, with new and powerful ways to control and direct behaviours.
In the 1970’s, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, asked themselves why some people achieved great results and others didn’t. They wondered of they could model excellence and produce similar outcomes. They modelled practitioners such as Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls.
Milton Erickson was a master hypnotherapist who simply told people stories (metaphors) and thus changed their behaviours. They watched hours of his private hypnosis sessions. Then they asked him, “Why are you staring at that woman’s ankle?” He replied that he was watching her heartbeat to see if it slowed down. Then they asked, “Why are you looking at her breasts?” He said he was watching her breathing so he could match it and slow her breathing down.
They modelled Virginia Satir, a family therapist with years of experience in body language, and discovered 5 categories that could be used towards better understanding of behaviors.
They modeled Fritz Perls, the inventor of Gestalt therapy. The essence of Gestalt Therapy is to enhance the awareness of perceptions, feelings, emotion and behaviors while taking into account the relationship of the client to self, others and the environment, so changing the individual’s responses.
The beauty of NLP is that it doesn’t require much story telling or content. We simply delete all the old files and change the neurology; in essence, rewiring your brain. This is success from the inside out!